Plan miasta Bizeljsko

Bizeljsko - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Brežice Bicycle Trail - Cycling - Slovenia - Official Travel Guide -

From Bizeljsko, the bicycle trail follows the Wine Road through Pišece to Sromelj. The bicycle circuit runs on local asphalt roads, mostly across flatlands and along the bottoms of hills. After visiting Brežice Castle with its renowned ... The best possibilities for accommodation are offered by the Čatež Thermal Spa where we can choose between hotels, apartments, bungalows, and a campground. The year-round thermal riviera provides recreation and relaxation with its ...
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dh bizeljsko / kaj je novga?

hello! danes sm dubu fotko iz omenjenga turnirja ? eto je:. matic sexy :). ka nism lep? men se tak dopade ta slika ? hvala dona (oziroma stojko). drgač pa kaj je novga? ne delam več pri sladoledarju ? delal bom za eno firmo, ...
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Wines in Slovenia

1. Important milestones. Slovenia is an ancient land of wine. Countless archaelogical findings bear witness to this: Viticulture and winemaking date back to before the appearance of the Romans, when the land was populated by Celts and ...
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